Every family has its dysfunctions, and mine is no exception. Over the years our family has used humor to roll with the special times, and it has served all of us well.
One of the many interesting facets of our family is that my father is convinced that Satan has taken control of me and I'm going to spend eternity at some exclusive resort called "Lake of Fire".
Not sure where that is, but it sounds like a tropical place.
I've had a grand total of one conversation with him (at a family birthday party) over the past twelve months, and during that exchange we talked about the weather, my daughter's impressive vegetable garden, the yummy birthday cake, my beautiful grandbabies, and why my son was late for the party. We kept the conversation shallow and safe.
It was good to see him and know that he is well.
While covering at the front desk last week at work, a Resident (I'll call him Joe) invited me to dinner. I wanted to laugh (again- finding humor in the special times) but I could see that this man, 15 years my senior, was serious. I thanked him for his offer, told him I was extremely flattered, and shared that it would be a conflict of interest if I went out with him. He argued the point, and told me that he was going to inquire with administration if that was indeed a written company policy.
"Besides" he then said, "You are newly-single, Michelle, and need to go out and have some fun."
I wondered how he knew I've been living alone for the past two months. Only three people at work have that information, and they're people I've known for years and trust. I had to ask the question.
"Joe, how do you know that I am newly-single?"
"Your Dad told me. I play basketball with him two nights a week, and he told me that you're available now."
As my children and close friends can tell you, I am very rarely rendered speechless. This, however was one of those occasions.
You just can't make this stuff up~