The following post is for my friend Erik, who now lives in Washington D.C.. He has requested that I write about my evening with
Barack Obama on my new blog, so if I've already told you this story, or you read it on my old
MyBO page, you might want to click out now, and keep surfing :-)
After joining the
Obama campaign last summer, I quickly became very involved and was asked to be a part of the
"Dreams From My Father" book discussion groups that the campaign was sponsoring. Because of my organizing and involvement with those, I was invited to spend an evening watching a minor league baseball game with
Barack Obama on August 21st. I was in my car when I found the voicemail from my field organizer with the invitation. I couldn't believe my ears, so I immediately went home and called him on my
land line.
Yup- I was going to a ball game with Senator Barack Obama.
When he first arrived at the stadium, he was of course swamped by people of all ages, wanting to shake his hand and get his signature. I was very impressed by how much attention he gave the children and how he appeared to really enjoy signing all the baseballs he was given by the young fans. He was quick to give them a high five or a pat on the shoulder. His interaction with everyone was fun to watch.
When the crowd settled down, I was able to talk with him and introduce myself. I told him my name, and that I was one of his town chairpersons for the state. "Are you having fun?", he asked. I was stunned because I thought he would certainly ask me what events I had planned or what the level of support was for him in my community.
"Yes, Senator, I am, but I have to tell you that I have never done this before and I've never even been involved with a campaign before."
"But are you having fun?", he asked again.
"Yes.", I replied. He looked at me and gave me a very warm smile.
He was so easy to talk to that I decided to ask him about his book. I told him that I noticed he mentioned a few times in the first couple of chapters that he read comics as a kid. I shared with him that I was his age, and was also reading comics at that time. When the question, "Senator, who is your favorite superhero?" came out of my mouth, it was really quite funny, as the Secret Service, press, and invited guests all became silent and looked at me with concern.
It was one of those moments where I could feel my face turning red and my mouth quickly becoming a desert.
He, however rolled with it, and replied, "Well, I read Marvel comics. I like Spider-Man. If I had to pick a DC superhero though, it would be Batman."
"Me too- me too- my favorite superhero is Batman!" I exclaimed.
One more thing we agreed on.
He was nice enough to take the time to sign my book, "To Michelle- Thanks for the friendship and support!" and he put his arm around me (making me scream) to pose for a picture.
I could not tell you who won or lost the ball game that night, or even what the score was, as my world that evening was limited to the stadium seats. I was sitting next to, and talking with the person who I whole heartily believe will be our next President of the United States.
I was actively a part of his campaign for six months, and I loved every minute of it. After our state primary election was over, I was exhausted and slept during all of my spare time for a week. Senator Obama has been campaigning for over a year now, and has done so with dignity, patience, strength, and grace. He makes time for his family (recently taking Michelle and the girls to the Caribbean) and has an endless supply of energy.
With all the negative campaign attacks that has/is being thrown his way, he remains steady, focused, and above it all.
He has it all over any superhero I know~