I had no reply for him, and wished dearly that my good friend, the Pirate Queen, was there to field that question. I just reached down to grab one of the bottles of the free beverage, put it in my backpack, and kept moving.
Upon arriving home, I gave it to my son, and he reported that it has a sweet, cream soda taste, proclaiming it to be a yummy beverage. It is also highly caffeinated, which is probably the real reason he likes it. If you would like to try a Bawls, or would like to offer one to someone you know, you can check them out at: http://www.bawls.com.
They're also hiring, if you'd like to sell Bawls.
1 comment:
dammit...if only I'd been there...I'd have made you laugh so hard that Bawls came out your nose...
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