Quite a sight indeed.
When I arrived in the city this morning, the geek squad was already out in huge numbers (some in costume, all with an empty messenger bag on their shoulder) and headed down to the waterfront. There was no need to ask for directions to the event.
The convention center was filled with more geek stuff than I could absorb in one day, a far cry from the cons I've attended in New England. I did see a couple of familiar faces- Larry, from Larry's Comics, and Ralph, from Jetpack Comics. I met horror artist Basil Gogos and purchased one of his Frankenstein prints for him to sign. Michael introduced me to his friend Lee Weeks, a Marvel artist, and I had him sign my copy of Amazing Spider Man #580.
While I was waiting for my turn to go through a box of bargain-priced toys, a young boy (12 or so) asked me if I was in line to look through the box. "Yes, I am", I replied. "Well", he asked, "Can I look through it with you?" I smiled and shook my head yes. I had the best time looking through that box, as this kid new every name of every action figure in there. Baby geeks are just so darn cute.
In addition to my few purchases, I have much pop culture chum to take back to New Hampshire.
After spending the day at the con, Michael and I went to the Tick Tock Diner (there was a dog in there too) for our Reuben sandwich fix, and took a night time stroll through Times Square. The city has put a set of funky lighted red stairs over the half-price Broadway ticket booth there, and we just had to go check them out.
I think they're very cool and a nice addition to Times Square.
I'm sitting in my room on the 29th floor of the New Yorker Hotel. Directly outside my window is the Empire State Building. I can see planes flying by, and hear the horns of a million and one yellow taxis in the streets bellow. Manhattan is so very beautiful and busy at night- maybe I'll go back out later tonight and find some cheesecake.
You've got to love a city that sells cheesecake and cannoli at 2:00am~
I was really, really glad you were there digging through one of the action figure bins, and talking with the "baby geek". This presented me with the perfect opportunity to snag three original Kenner Star Wars figures from the bin next to it while he was busy educating you...ha-ha.
The show was just crazy, crazy fun... too fun for words.
Michelle, what a great picture I got from your description of your interaction with "the baby geek." It's heartwarming and brings back great memories.
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