Thursday, July 31, 2008

Comic Book Day

Yesterday after work, I went to see my cousin who is losing a battle with cancer. It was good to see him and spend time reminiscing with him. I don't think I've every hugged anyone so tightly as I did him when we said goodbye.

I didn't sleep very well last night.

Today I decided to have fun and make sure I celebrated Comic Book Day. I went to my comic book shop after work, and found Grimm Fairy Tales #29, Ghost Rider #25, Dresden Files #4, and Batman: Death Mask #4 in my sub folder. All good reads for this weekend. I chatted with Mike, the owner of the comic shop, and we reflected on our summers a little.

This evening I played some free rice. I've only been playing it for a few days, and the highest score I've had is 41. 
I've won lots of rice though. That's cool.

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