Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday

I attended a celebration of Barack Obama's 47th Birthday this evening. For me, it was also a celebration of grass-roots campaigning and the belief that Senator Obama can facilitate the Change that our country so desperately needs right now.  
It was very cool to be with people I have known for over a year now- people I have phone banked with, door-t0-door canvassed and marched in parades with, knowing that our energy and hard work were part of the process that has brought Barack Obama to where he is now.

Democratic Nominee for President of the United States. 


I remember the night of the Primary Election in January. We were all disappointed that HRC had won the Primary in our state, but our campaign team went out and celebrated until 3:00am, regardless. We even received a phone call from the Senator that night, thanking us for all of our efforts and reassuring us that the battle had just begun. 

He was right.

The party in Denver starts just three weeks from tonight. Senator Obama is taking his acceptance speech outside the convention hall to his supporters at INVESCO Field
He is the Change we have been waiting for.

Happy Birthday Senator~ 

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