Thursday, March 13, 2008

Comic Book Day

In my world, Thursday is Comic Book Day. I go to my comic book shop after work, and race to my sub folder that is in the bottom drawer (my last name begins with a "Y") of the cabinet that is dedicated to my fellow weekly comic subscribers.
This week I was delighted to find: Countdown #7, Wonder Woman #18, Grimm Fairy Tales #24, and Batman Confidential #14.
Grimm Fairy Tales is a true favorite of mine. I love the art, it is a fun read, and I enjoy seeing our childhood stories presented in an adult way- with a twist. I put that title on my sub list after issue #10, and have been able to fill in the first nine issues with the exception of #4, #8, and #9.
That's what ComCons are for. 
I was crazy happy when I looked through the current issue, Snow White & Rose Red, and saw that issue #25 (due out in April) was going to be  The Little Mermaid.

I simply cannot wait to see what they do with that one~


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